When we first came to choose the fabrics, it became clear very quickly that they need to be natural and, if possible, ecological. Since we saw from our children that in certain age everything goes in their mouth, then the goal was to make our toys really according to it.
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Hea alguse kollektsioon ja kujundid

Ruutudest, ristkülikutest, ringidest ja kolmnurkadest moodustub meid ümbritsev tuttav maailm. Karloova Hea alguse kollektsioon põhineb samuti kujunditel, millest moodustuvad lihtsad elemendid nagu näiteks maja. Ergutame Karloova mänguasjade vahendusel väikelapsi neid detaile märkama ja oleme ruumilise maailmapildi tekkimisel toeks. Kõik tegelusasjad on detailideni läbimõeldud koostöös füsioterapeudiga, niiet saame olla kindlad, millisel arenguetapil üht või teist mänguasja soovitada.

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It is a joy to make activity blankets for babies. But apart from the great design and nice fabrics, it is essential, that the blanket would be suitable for the baby. Also that it would develop his/her motility skills.

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We think we should talk about how we found our brand name. Right now it seems really easy and obvious and clear why company that started in Tartu’s Karlova district is called Karloova. But in reality we reached the name after a months-long search. They don’t say it without a reason that you should go further from home to get back there in the end. That’s what happened to us.

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We are very proud that our textile toys have met the requirements of European Union’s CE-marking. We are the first textile toys producer in Estonia who has applied for CE-marking.

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